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 THE MIRACULOUS COW The boy called the cow by the name of Allah as he did for the first time. The gracious cow appeared before him and explained that the person who had tried to ride on its’ back was the cursed Iblis himself. “If this cursed creature had sat on my back I would have never come back to you again,” – she said.   This Iblis was holding me by the rope but when you called me by the name of the God of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) an angel took the rope away from the Iblis. The angel drove away the Satan and I could come back to you. This is the bliss of your kind attitude towards your mother and your diligent service to her. Even if you ask Allah to root out a mountain, Allah will do this for you. The boy returned to his mother with the miraculous cow that the father of the boy had given to the custody of Allah. The mother cared dearly about her son. That is why the mother told her son to sell the cow on the market in order to ease his daily work, sin...

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